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3.12 Kasutatud kirjandus

Andersen, L.N., Juul-Kristensen, B., Roessler, K.K., Herborg, L.G., Sørensen, T.L., Søgaard, K. (2015). Efficacy of ‘Tailored Physical Activity’ on reducing sickness absence among health care workers: A 3-months randomised controlled trial. Man Ther, 20(5):666-71. 

Arjo – Patient Handling – Sara Flex demonstration video. (20.06.2022) 

Arjo – Patient Handling- Sara Stedy demonstration video. (20.06.2022) 

Clemes, S.A., Haslam, C.O., Haslam, R.A. (2010). What constitutes effective manual handling training? A systematic review. Occup Med (Lond), 60(2):101-7. 

Coman, R.L., Caponecchia, C., McIntosh, A.S. (2018). Manual Handling in Aged Care: Impact of Environment-related Interventions on Mobility. Saf Health Work, 9(4):372-380. 

Denis, D., Gonella, M., Comeau, M., Lauzier, M. (2020). Questioning the value of manual material handling training: a scoping and critical literature review. Appl Ergon, 89:103186. 

Hogan, D.A., Greiner, B.A., O’Sullivan, L. (2014).  The effect of manual handling training on achieving training transfer, employee’s behaviour change and subsequent reduction of work-related musculoskeletal disorders: a systematic review. Ergonomics, 57(1):93-107. 

Martimo, K.P., Verbeek, J., Karppinen, J., Furlan, A.D., Kuijer, P.P., Viikari-Juntura, E., Takala, E.P., Jauhiainen, M. (2007). Manual material handling advice and assistive devices for preventing and treating back pain in workers. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 18;(3):CD005958. 

NHS Barts Health. Mouving and Handling Training Videos. (20.06.2022) 

Nursing Times. Practical Procedures. Early mobilisation4: transferring patients safely using equipment. (20.06.2022) 

Riigi Teataja. Raskuste käsitsi teisaldamise töötervishoiu ja tööohutuse nõuded. (20.06.2022) 

Why Lifting With A Straighter Spine Doesn’t Reduce Your Risk Of Back Pain. Online Courses. (20.06.2022) 

World Health Organization. Physical activity. (20.06.2022)