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8.5 Kasutatud kirjandus

Berman, A., Snyder, S. J., Frandsen, G. (2020). Kozier & Erb´s Fundamentals of Nursing. Concepts, process and practice. 11th edition. Pearson, New Jersey, USA.

Lamatiste käsitlus – ennetamine ja konservatiivne ravi. Eesti ravijuhend. (2016). Tartu Ülikool, Eesti Haigekassa.

Nicole, M., Bavin, C., Cronin, P., Rawlings-Anderson, K., Cole, E., Hunter, J. (2012). Essential Nursing Skills. 4th edition. Elsevier Mosby

Norton, L., Parslov, N., Johnston, D., Ho, D., Afalavi, A., Mark, M., O´Sullivan-Drombolla, D., Moffat, S. (2021). Best Practice Recommendations for the Prevention and Management of Pressure Injuries. Canadian Assiciation of Wound Care, Canada.

Oolo, T., Usberg, G., Uiga, B. (2008). Õendustoimingute töövihik. Tartu: Halo Kirjastus

Oliviera, D. M. N., Costa, M. ;. L., Malagutti, W. (2019). Nursing interventions for ulcer patients. Journal of Nursing, 13:*-Oliveira-Costa/c581dc8812f69f40002f9a0dd1b8e95bbf8360c1

Paju, I., Usberg, G. (2009). Lamatised. E-õpiobjekt. Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkool

Perry, A. G., Potter, P. A., Elkin, M. K. (2012). Nursing Interventions & Clinical Skills. 5th edition. Elsevier Mosby